JIGSAW: BUNDLE ADJUSTMENT ========================= Run Time: 2020-10-20T15:36:23 Network Filename: HIA_qnet.net Network Id: APOL_network Network Description: APOL_control_network Target: MOON Linear Units: kilometers Angular Units: decimal degrees INPUT: SOLVE OPTIONS ==================== OBSERVATIONS: ON RADIUS: ON TARGET BODY: OFF UPDATE: YES ERROR PROPAGATION: ON OUTLIER REJECTION: ON REJECTION MULTIPLIER: 3.000000 MAXIMUM LIKELIHOOD ESTIMATION ============================ Tier 0 Enabled: FALSE Tier 1 Enabled: FALSE Tier 2 Enabled: FALSE INPUT: CONVERGENCE CRITERIA =========================== SIGMA0: 1.000000e-10 MAXIMUM ITERATIONS: 50 INPUT: CAMERA POINTING OPTIONS ============================== CAMSOLVE: ANGLES TWIST: ON POLYNOMIAL OVER EXISTING POINTING: ON INPUT: SPACECRAFT OPTIONS ========================= SPSOLVE: POSITION POLYNOMIAL OVER HERMITE SPLINE : OFF INPUT: GLOBAL IMAGE PARAMETER UNCERTAINTIES =========================================== POINT LATITUDE SIGMA: 15.000000 (meters) POINT LONGITUDE SIGMA: 15.000000 (meters) POINT RADIUS SIGMA: 8.000000 (meters) SPACECRAFT POSITION SIGMA: 30.000000 (meters) SPACECRAFT VELOCITY SIGMA: N/A SPACECRAFT ACCELERATION SIGMA: N/A CAMERA ANGLES SIGMA: 0.010000 (dd) CAMERA ANGULAR VELOCITY SIGMA: N/A CAMERA ANGULAR ACCELERATION SIGMA: N/A JIGSAW: RESULTS =============== Images: 2 Points: 9 Total Measures: 15 Total Observations: 30 Good Observations: 30 Rejected Observations: 0 Constrained Point Parameters: 27 Constrained Image Parameters: 12 Unknowns: 39 Degrees of Freedom: 30 Convergence Criteria: 1e-10(Sigma0) Iterations: 3 Sigma0: 0.47285530390546737234 Error Propagation Elapsed Time: 0.0002 (seconds) Total Elapsed Time: 0.0069 (seconds) IMAGE MEASURES SUMMARY ========================== M142068699L.cub 9 of 9 0.366 0.547 0.466 M142068699R.cub 6 of 6 0.444 0.664 0.565 IMAGE EXTERIOR ORIENTATION ========================== Image Full File Name: M142068699L.cub Image Serial Number: LRO/1/309122231:27344/NACL Image Initial Total Final Initial Final Parameter Value Correction Value Accuracy Accuracy X (t0) -1642.38442608 -0.00639778 -1642.39082386 30.0 0.01224122 Y (t0) -445.56457221 -0.00511200 -445.56968421 30.0 0.00430683 Z (t0) 523.78533848 0.00850637 523.79384485 30.0 0.00540157 RA (t0) 0.00000000 -0.00010814 -0.00010814 0.01 0.00450800 DEC (t0) 0.00000000 0.00147367 0.00147367 0.01 0.00448451 TWI (t0) 0.00000000 -0.00003981 -0.00003981 0.01 0.00472424 Image Full File Name: M142068699R.cub Image Serial Number: LRO/1/309122231:27344/NACR Image Initial Total Final Initial Final Parameter Value Correction Value Accuracy Accuracy X (t0) -1642.38442586 0.00856778 -1642.37585808 30.0 0.01240120 Y (t0) -445.56457241 -0.00205304 -445.56662545 30.0 0.00445193 Z (t0) 523.78533899 0.00127576 523.78661476 30.0 0.00541399 RA (t0) 0.00000000 -0.00047967 -0.00047967 0.01 0.00450762 DEC (t0) 0.00000000 -0.00220049 -0.00220049 0.01 0.00448345 TWI (t0) 0.00000000 -0.00001241 -0.00001241 0.01 0.00472842 POINTS UNCERTAINTY SUMMARY ========================== RMS Sigma Latitude(m) 1.25489796 MIN Sigma Latitude(m) 1.25035718 at cp_04 MAX Sigma Latitude(m) 1.25897002 at APOL_00001 RMS Sigma Longitude(m) 1.15097076 MIN Sigma Longitude(m) 1.12693349 at cp_04 MAX Sigma Longitude(m) 1.16300022 at DTM_03 RMS Sigma Radius(m) 3.35979483 MIN Sigma Radius(m) 2.29191998 at DTM_03 MAX Sigma Radius(m) 3.78163907 at APOL_00001 POINTS SUMMARY ============== Sigma Sigma Sigma Label Status Rays RMS Latitude Longitude Radius Latitude Longitude Radius APOL_00001 FREE 2 of 2 0.26 19.66982246 30.32522846 1735.26159581 1.25897002 1.15828793 3.78163907 APOL_00002 FREE 2 of 2 0.68 19.84957455 30.32529403 1735.89227219 1.25479671 1.15552695 3.78158506 APOL_00003 FREE 2 of 2 0.30 20.36253039 30.32705789 1735.49444125 1.25536549 1.15595930 3.78157715 cp_01 FREE 2 of 2 0.25 20.08502878 30.32507342 1736.34280049 1.25266573 1.15449889 3.78158616 cp_02 FREE 2 of 2 1.10 20.23318638 30.32640955 1735.09651843 1.25674202 1.15813419 3.78161708 cp_03 FREE 2 of 2 0.14 20.46331437 30.32701574 1735.10656343 1.25760952 1.15763389 3.78161781 DTM-01 CONSTRAINED 1 of 1 0.12 19.82825856 30.34097748 1735.87529389 1.25208428 1.12813149 2.29553745 cp_04 CONSTRAINED 1 of 1 0.06 20.13443090 30.34493697 1735.68589280 1.25035718 1.12693349 2.29530865 DTM_03 CONSTRAINED 1 of 1 0.05 20.49808495 30.38682009 1735.64319995 1.25546626 1.16300022 2.29191998 POINTS DETAIL ============= Label: APOL_00001 Status: FREE Rays: 2 of 2 Point Initial Total Total Final Initial Final Coordinate Value Correction Correction Value Accuracy Accuracy (dd/dd/km) (dd/dd/km) (Meters) (dd/dd/km) (Meters) (Meters) LATITUDE 19.66961804 0.00020442 6.19869208 19.66982246 15.00000000 1.25897002 LONGITUDE 30.32517280 0.00005566 1.58935376 30.32522846 15.00000000 1.15828793 RADIUS 1735.26158569 0.00001013 0.01012853 1735.26159581 8.00000000 3.78163907 Label: APOL_00002 Status: FREE Rays: 2 of 2 Point Initial Total Total Final Initial Final Coordinate Value Correction Correction Value Accuracy Accuracy (dd/dd/km) (dd/dd/km) (Meters) (dd/dd/km) (Meters) (Meters) LATITUDE 19.84937047 0.00020408 6.18841203 19.84957455 15.00000000 1.25479671 LONGITUDE 30.32523817 0.00005586 1.59324232 30.32529403 15.00000000 1.15552695 RADIUS 1735.89235217 -0.00007998 -0.07997675 1735.89227219 8.00000000 3.78158506 Label: APOL_00003 Status: FREE Rays: 2 of 2 Point Initial Total Total Final Initial Final Coordinate Value Correction Correction Value Accuracy Accuracy (dd/dd/km) (dd/dd/km) (Meters) (dd/dd/km) (Meters) (Meters) LATITUDE 20.36232661 0.00020377 6.17902291 20.36253039 15.00000000 1.25536549 LONGITUDE 30.32700190 0.00005599 1.59180960 30.32705789 15.00000000 1.15595930 RADIUS 1735.49444993 -0.00000868 -0.00867818 1735.49444125 8.00000000 3.78157715 Label: cp_01 Status: FREE Rays: 2 of 2 Point Initial Total Total Final Initial Final Coordinate Value Correction Correction Value Accuracy Accuracy (dd/dd/km) (dd/dd/km) (Meters) (dd/dd/km) (Meters) (Meters) LATITUDE 20.08482510 0.00020368 6.17630493 20.08502878 15.00000000 1.25266573 LONGITUDE 30.32501766 0.00005576 1.58794037 30.32507342 15.00000000 1.15449889 RADIUS 1736.34278897 0.00001152 0.01152334 1736.34280049 8.00000000 3.78158616 Label: cp_02 Status: FREE Rays: 2 of 2 Point Initial Total Total Final Initial Final Coordinate Value Correction Correction Value Accuracy Accuracy (dd/dd/km) (dd/dd/km) (Meters) (dd/dd/km) (Meters) (Meters) LATITUDE 20.23298243 0.00020395 6.18452328 20.23318638 15.00000000 1.25674202 LONGITUDE 30.32635379 0.00005576 1.58645868 30.32640955 15.00000000 1.15813419 RADIUS 1735.09635920 0.00015923 0.15923231 1735.09651843 8.00000000 3.78161708 Label: cp_03 Status: FREE Rays: 2 of 2 Point Initial Total Total Final Initial Final Coordinate Value Correction Correction Value Accuracy Accuracy (dd/dd/km) (dd/dd/km) (Meters) (dd/dd/km) (Meters) (Meters) LATITUDE 20.46311056 0.00020381 6.18023520 20.46331437 15.00000000 1.25760952 LONGITUDE 30.32695975 0.00005600 1.59088932 30.32701574 15.00000000 1.15763389 RADIUS 1735.10653112 0.00003231 0.03231254 1735.10656343 8.00000000 3.78161781 Label: DTM-01 Status: CONSTRAINED Rays: 1 of 1 Point Initial Total Total Final Initial Final Coordinate Value Correction Correction Value Accuracy Accuracy (dd/dd/km) (dd/dd/km) (Meters) (dd/dd/km) (Meters) (Meters) LATITUDE 19.82842089 -0.00016233 -4.92240034 19.82825856 5.00000000 1.25208428 LONGITUDE 30.34095577 0.00002170 0.61908926 30.34097748 5.00000000 1.12813149 RADIUS 1735.87525729 0.00003660 0.03659825 1735.87529389 4.86000000 2.29553745 Label: cp_04 Status: CONSTRAINED Rays: 1 of 1 Point Initial Total Total Final Initial Final Coordinate Value Correction Correction Value Accuracy Accuracy (dd/dd/km) (dd/dd/km) (Meters) (dd/dd/km) (Meters) (Meters) LATITUDE 20.13448443 -0.00005353 -1.62321604 20.13443090 5.00000000 1.25035718 LONGITUDE 30.34497849 -0.00004152 -1.18207668 30.34493697 5.00000000 1.12693349 RADIUS 1735.68596923 -0.00007643 -0.07643170 1735.68589280 4.86000000 2.29530865 Label: DTM_03 Status: CONSTRAINED Rays: 1 of 1 Point Initial Total Total Final Initial Final Coordinate Value Correction Correction Value Accuracy Accuracy (dd/dd/km) (dd/dd/km) (Meters) (dd/dd/km) (Meters) (Meters) LATITUDE 20.49801575 0.00006920 2.09848851 20.49808495 5.00000000 1.25546626 LONGITUDE 30.38683506 -0.00001497 -0.42516144 30.38682009 5.00000000 1.16300022 RADIUS 1735.64324128 -0.00004133 -0.04133438 1735.64319995 4.86000000 2.29191998