JIGSAW: BUNDLE ADJUSTMENT ========================= Run Time: 2020-10-28T09:05:08 Network Filename: qnet1.net Network Id: APOL_network Network Description: APOL_control_network Target: MOON Linear Units: kilometers Angular Units: decimal degrees INPUT: SOLVE OPTIONS ==================== OBSERVATIONS: ON RADIUS: ON TARGET BODY: OFF UPDATE: YES ERROR PROPAGATION: ON OUTLIER REJECTION: ON REJECTION MULTIPLIER: 3.000000 MAXIMUM LIKELIHOOD ESTIMATION ============================ Tier 0 Enabled: FALSE Tier 1 Enabled: FALSE Tier 2 Enabled: FALSE INPUT: CONVERGENCE CRITERIA =========================== SIGMA0: 1.000000e-10 MAXIMUM ITERATIONS: 50 INPUT: CAMERA POINTING OPTIONS ============================== CAMSOLVE: ANGLES TWIST: ON POLYNOMIAL OVER EXISTING POINTING: ON INPUT: SPACECRAFT OPTIONS ========================= SPSOLVE: POSITION POLYNOMIAL OVER HERMITE SPLINE : OFF INPUT: GLOBAL IMAGE PARAMETER UNCERTAINTIES =========================================== POINT LATITUDE SIGMA: 15.000000 (meters) POINT LONGITUDE SIGMA: 15.000000 (meters) POINT RADIUS SIGMA: 8.000000 (meters) SPACECRAFT POSITION SIGMA: 30.000000 (meters) SPACECRAFT VELOCITY SIGMA: N/A SPACECRAFT ACCELERATION SIGMA: N/A CAMERA ANGLES SIGMA: 0.010000 (dd) CAMERA ANGULAR VELOCITY SIGMA: N/A CAMERA ANGULAR ACCELERATION SIGMA: N/A JIGSAW: RESULTS =============== Images: 4 Points: 13 Total Measures: 26 Total Observations: 52 Good Observations: 52 Rejected Observations: 0 Constrained Point Parameters: 39 Constrained Image Parameters: 24 Unknowns: 63 Degrees of Freedom: 52 Convergence Criteria: 1e-10(Sigma0) Iterations: 3 Sigma0: 0.07003984931186085783 Error Propagation Elapsed Time: 0.0004 (seconds) Total Elapsed Time: 0.0099 (seconds) IMAGE MEASURES SUMMARY ========================== M124362425L.cub 7 of 7 0.088 0.077 0.083 M124362425R.cub 6 of 6 0.088 0.077 0.083 M124369214L.cub 7 of 7 0.117 0.092 0.105 M124369214R.cub 7 of 7 0.116 0.092 0.105 IMAGE EXTERIOR ORIENTATION ========================== Image Full File Name: M124362425L.cub Image Serial Number: LRO/1/291415958:40871/NACL Image Initial Total Final Initial Final Parameter Value Correction Value Accuracy Accuracy X (t0) 1670.70797318 0.00112935 1670.70910254 30.0 0.00167891 Y (t0) -10.42268899 0.00066782 -10.42202117 30.0 0.00081548 Z (t0) 617.55768165 0.00067857 617.55836023 30.0 0.00111075 RA (t0) 0.00000000 -0.00021770 -0.00021770 0.01 0.00065197 DEC (t0) 0.00000000 -0.00046787 -0.00046787 0.01 0.00065194 TWI (t0) 0.00000000 -0.00000326 -0.00000326 0.01 0.00070035 Image Full File Name: M124362425R.cub Image Serial Number: LRO/1/291415958:40871/NACR Image Initial Total Final Initial Final Parameter Value Correction Value Accuracy Accuracy X (t0) 1670.70797123 -0.00113116 1670.70684006 30.0 0.00168003 Y (t0) -10.42269159 -0.00066032 -10.42335191 30.0 0.00081581 Z (t0) 617.55768698 -0.00067644 617.55701054 30.0 0.00110888 RA (t0) 0.00000000 0.00021697 0.00021697 0.01 0.00065193 DEC (t0) 0.00000000 0.00046717 0.00046717 0.01 0.00065190 TWI (t0) 0.00000000 -0.00001435 -0.00001435 0.01 0.00070035 Image Full File Name: M124369214L.cub Image Serial Number: LRO/1/291422747:42755/NACL Image Initial Total Final Initial Final Parameter Value Correction Value Accuracy Accuracy X (t0) 1670.61119218 -0.00107685 1670.61011533 30.0 0.00183830 Y (t0) -10.88245317 0.00008868 -10.88236449 30.0 0.00063528 Z (t0) 617.36213828 0.00026054 617.36239882 30.0 0.00086476 RA (t0) 0.00000000 -0.00021319 -0.00021319 0.01 0.00065882 DEC (t0) 0.00000000 0.00014818 0.00014818 0.01 0.00065993 TWI (t0) 0.00000000 0.00000604 0.00000604 0.01 0.00070037 Image Full File Name: M124369214R.cub Image Serial Number: LRO/1/291422747:42755/NACR Image Initial Total Final Initial Final Parameter Value Correction Value Accuracy Accuracy X (t0) 1670.61119267 0.00107753 1670.61227020 30.0 0.00183907 Y (t0) -10.88245250 -0.00008943 -10.88254193 30.0 0.00063517 Z (t0) 617.36213693 -0.00026088 617.36187605 30.0 0.00086331 RA (t0) 0.00000000 0.00021337 0.00021337 0.01 0.00065880 DEC (t0) 0.00000000 -0.00014727 -0.00014727 0.01 0.00065992 TWI (t0) 0.00000000 0.00000460 0.00000460 0.01 0.00070036 POINTS UNCERTAINTY SUMMARY ========================== RMS Sigma Latitude(m) 0.39927805 MIN Sigma Latitude(m) 0.38501534 at APOL_00006 MAX Sigma Latitude(m) 0.41523279 at cp_06 RMS Sigma Longitude(m) 0.39850221 MIN Sigma Longitude(m) 0.36661009 at APOL_00006 MAX Sigma Longitude(m) 0.43277178 at APOL_00002 RMS Sigma Radius(m) 0.55539633 MIN Sigma Radius(m) 0.55056276 at cp_07 MAX Sigma Radius(m) 0.55947439 at APOL_00004 POINTS SUMMARY ============== Sigma Sigma Sigma Label Status Rays RMS Latitude Longitude Radius Latitude Longitude Radius APOL_00002 FREE 2 of 2 0.07 20.17546533 30.92681958 1734.68362772 0.41511792 0.43277178 0.55057694 APOL_00003 FREE 2 of 2 0.05 20.28924879 30.93371836 1735.25383115 0.41455198 0.43206742 0.55060597 APOL_00004 FREE 2 of 2 0.07 19.89673547 30.61188167 1735.60588281 0.38558581 0.36712817 0.55947439 APOL_00005 FREE 2 of 2 0.02 20.04532172 30.61429299 1734.99941615 0.38605364 0.36766999 0.55946001 APOL_00006 FREE 2 of 2 0.08 20.53984997 30.60567860 1736.47107328 0.38501534 0.36661009 0.55946268 cp_01 FREE 2 of 2 0.08 19.76798161 30.61507165 1735.09587795 0.38608136 0.36756222 0.55947153 cp_02 FREE 2 of 2 0.06 20.17164622 30.61296690 1734.84736039 0.38617608 0.36772336 0.55947029 cp_03 FREE 2 of 2 0.21 20.38096851 30.60995816 1735.49105794 0.38565440 0.36723905 0.55946164 cp_04 FREE 2 of 2 0.10 20.65899424 30.60682259 1735.98245837 0.38543169 0.36691191 0.55946055 cp_05 FREE 2 of 2 0.03 19.72046557 30.93832571 1735.05139224 0.41483909 0.43236557 0.55066827 cp_06 FREE 2 of 2 0.12 19.84756732 30.93118323 1734.61347655 0.41523279 0.43271906 0.55064823 cp_07 FREE 2 of 2 0.07 20.45817178 30.94253339 1736.21362874 0.41377430 0.43156711 0.55056276 cp_08 FREE 2 of 2 0.12 20.65216387 30.94404609 1736.39895025 0.41373310 0.43111934 0.55060090 POINTS DETAIL ============= Label: APOL_00002 Status: FREE Rays: 2 of 2 Point Initial Total Total Final Initial Final Coordinate Value Correction Correction Value Accuracy Accuracy (dd/dd/km) (dd/dd/km) (Meters) (dd/dd/km) (Meters) (Meters) LATITUDE 20.17546532 0.00000001 0.00018377 20.17546533 15.00000000 0.41511792 LONGITUDE 30.92681950 0.00000007 0.00212165 30.92681958 15.00000000 0.43277178 RADIUS 1734.68362066 0.00000706 0.00706278 1734.68362772 8.00000000 0.55057694 Label: APOL_00003 Status: FREE Rays: 2 of 2 Point Initial Total Total Final Initial Final Coordinate Value Correction Correction Value Accuracy Accuracy (dd/dd/km) (dd/dd/km) (Meters) (dd/dd/km) (Meters) (Meters) LATITUDE 20.28924878 0.00000001 0.00031542 20.28924879 15.00000000 0.41455198 LONGITUDE 30.93371829 0.00000006 0.00183754 30.93371836 15.00000000 0.43206742 RADIUS 1735.25382506 0.00000609 0.00608552 1735.25383115 8.00000000 0.55060597 Label: APOL_00004 Status: FREE Rays: 2 of 2 Point Initial Total Total Final Initial Final Coordinate Value Correction Correction Value Accuracy Accuracy (dd/dd/km) (dd/dd/km) (Meters) (dd/dd/km) (Meters) (Meters) LATITUDE 19.89673547 -0.00000000 -0.00004431 19.89673547 15.00000000 0.38558581 LONGITUDE 30.61188169 -0.00000003 -0.00072059 30.61188167 15.00000000 0.36712817 RADIUS 1735.60587652 0.00000629 0.00629481 1735.60588281 8.00000000 0.55947439 Label: APOL_00005 Status: FREE Rays: 2 of 2 Point Initial Total Total Final Initial Final Coordinate Value Correction Correction Value Accuracy Accuracy (dd/dd/km) (dd/dd/km) (Meters) (dd/dd/km) (Meters) (Meters) LATITUDE 20.04532172 -0.00000000 -0.00014395 20.04532172 15.00000000 0.38605364 LONGITUDE 30.61429300 -0.00000001 -0.00015834 30.61429299 15.00000000 0.36766999 RADIUS 1734.99941403 0.00000212 0.00212213 1734.99941615 8.00000000 0.55946001 Label: APOL_00006 Status: FREE Rays: 2 of 2 Point Initial Total Total Final Initial Final Coordinate Value Correction Correction Value Accuracy Accuracy (dd/dd/km) (dd/dd/km) (Meters) (dd/dd/km) (Meters) (Meters) LATITUDE 20.53984996 0.00000000 0.00010810 20.53984997 15.00000000 0.38501534 LONGITUDE 30.60567865 -0.00000005 -0.00133682 30.60567860 15.00000000 0.36661009 RADIUS 1736.47105995 0.00001333 0.01333097 1736.47107328 8.00000000 0.55946268 Label: cp_01 Status: FREE Rays: 2 of 2 Point Initial Total Total Final Initial Final Coordinate Value Correction Correction Value Accuracy Accuracy (dd/dd/km) (dd/dd/km) (Meters) (dd/dd/km) (Meters) (Meters) LATITUDE 19.76798161 -0.00000000 -0.00007206 19.76798161 15.00000000 0.38608136 LONGITUDE 30.61507160 0.00000005 0.00136461 30.61507165 15.00000000 0.36756222 RADIUS 1735.09589096 -0.00001300 -0.01300492 1735.09587795 8.00000000 0.55947153 Label: cp_02 Status: FREE Rays: 2 of 2 Point Initial Total Total Final Initial Final Coordinate Value Correction Correction Value Accuracy Accuracy (dd/dd/km) (dd/dd/km) (Meters) (dd/dd/km) (Meters) (Meters) LATITUDE 20.17164622 0.00000000 0.00000223 20.17164622 15.00000000 0.38617608 LONGITUDE 30.61296692 -0.00000002 -0.00057246 30.61296690 15.00000000 0.36772336 RADIUS 1734.84735528 0.00000511 0.00510893 1734.84736039 8.00000000 0.55947029 Label: cp_03 Status: FREE Rays: 2 of 2 Point Initial Total Total Final Initial Final Coordinate Value Correction Correction Value Accuracy Accuracy (dd/dd/km) (dd/dd/km) (Meters) (dd/dd/km) (Meters) (Meters) LATITUDE 20.38096852 -0.00000000 -0.00013940 20.38096851 15.00000000 0.38565440 LONGITUDE 30.60995808 0.00000008 0.00214682 30.60995816 15.00000000 0.36723905 RADIUS 1735.49107549 -0.00001755 -0.01754956 1735.49105794 8.00000000 0.55946164 Label: cp_04 Status: FREE Rays: 2 of 2 Point Initial Total Total Final Initial Final Coordinate Value Correction Correction Value Accuracy Accuracy (dd/dd/km) (dd/dd/km) (Meters) (dd/dd/km) (Meters) (Meters) LATITUDE 20.65899424 -0.00000000 -0.00004753 20.65899424 15.00000000 0.38543169 LONGITUDE 30.60682261 -0.00000002 -0.00051126 30.60682259 15.00000000 0.36691191 RADIUS 1735.98245471 0.00000366 0.00366108 1735.98245837 8.00000000 0.55946055 Label: cp_05 Status: FREE Rays: 2 of 2 Point Initial Total Total Final Initial Final Coordinate Value Correction Correction Value Accuracy Accuracy (dd/dd/km) (dd/dd/km) (Meters) (dd/dd/km) (Meters) (Meters) LATITUDE 19.72046557 0.00000001 0.00016073 19.72046557 15.00000000 0.41483909 LONGITUDE 30.93832567 0.00000004 0.00119117 30.93832571 15.00000000 0.43236557 RADIUS 1735.05138841 0.00000383 0.00383101 1735.05139224 8.00000000 0.55066827 Label: cp_06 Status: FREE Rays: 2 of 2 Point Initial Total Total Final Initial Final Coordinate Value Correction Correction Value Accuracy Accuracy (dd/dd/km) (dd/dd/km) (Meters) (dd/dd/km) (Meters) (Meters) LATITUDE 19.84756731 0.00000000 0.00012041 19.84756732 15.00000000 0.41523279 LONGITUDE 30.93118323 -0.00000001 -0.00014379 30.93118323 15.00000000 0.43271906 RADIUS 1734.61347684 -0.00000029 -0.00029108 1734.61347655 8.00000000 0.55064823 Label: cp_07 Status: FREE Rays: 2 of 2 Point Initial Total Total Final Initial Final Coordinate Value Correction Correction Value Accuracy Accuracy (dd/dd/km) (dd/dd/km) (Meters) (dd/dd/km) (Meters) (Meters) LATITUDE 20.45817178 0.00000000 0.00011647 20.45817178 15.00000000 0.41377430 LONGITUDE 30.94253339 -0.00000000 -0.00006987 30.94253339 15.00000000 0.43156711 RADIUS 1736.21362778 0.00000096 0.00095590 1736.21362874 8.00000000 0.55056276 Label: cp_08 Status: FREE Rays: 2 of 2 Point Initial Total Total Final Initial Final Coordinate Value Correction Correction Value Accuracy Accuracy (dd/dd/km) (dd/dd/km) (Meters) (dd/dd/km) (Meters) (Meters) LATITUDE 20.65216388 -0.00000001 -0.00017084 20.65216387 15.00000000 0.41373310 LONGITUDE 30.94404632 -0.00000023 -0.00662381 30.94404609 15.00000000 0.43111934 RADIUS 1736.39896782 -0.00001757 -0.01756923 1736.39895025 8.00000000 0.55060090