JIGSAW: BUNDLE ADJUSTMENT ========================= Run Time: 2020-10-29T15:12:13 Network Filename: qnet1.net Network Id: APOL_network Network Description: APOL_control_network Target: MOON Linear Units: kilometers Angular Units: decimal degrees INPUT: SOLVE OPTIONS ==================== OBSERVATIONS: ON RADIUS: ON TARGET BODY: OFF UPDATE: YES ERROR PROPAGATION: ON OUTLIER REJECTION: ON REJECTION MULTIPLIER: 3.000000 MAXIMUM LIKELIHOOD ESTIMATION ============================ Tier 0 Enabled: FALSE Tier 1 Enabled: FALSE Tier 2 Enabled: FALSE INPUT: CONVERGENCE CRITERIA =========================== SIGMA0: 1.000000e-10 MAXIMUM ITERATIONS: 50 INPUT: CAMERA POINTING OPTIONS ============================== CAMSOLVE: ANGLES TWIST: ON POLYNOMIAL OVER EXISTING POINTING: ON INPUT: SPACECRAFT OPTIONS ========================= SPSOLVE: POSITION POLYNOMIAL OVER HERMITE SPLINE : OFF INPUT: GLOBAL IMAGE PARAMETER UNCERTAINTIES =========================================== POINT LATITUDE SIGMA: 15.000000 (meters) POINT LONGITUDE SIGMA: 15.000000 (meters) POINT RADIUS SIGMA: 8.000000 (meters) SPACECRAFT POSITION SIGMA: 30.000000 (meters) SPACECRAFT VELOCITY SIGMA: N/A SPACECRAFT ACCELERATION SIGMA: N/A CAMERA ANGLES SIGMA: 0.010000 (dd) CAMERA ANGULAR VELOCITY SIGMA: N/A CAMERA ANGULAR ACCELERATION SIGMA: N/A JIGSAW: RESULTS =============== Images: 4 Points: 10 Total Measures: 20 Total Observations: 40 Good Observations: 40 Rejected Observations: 0 Constrained Point Parameters: 30 Constrained Image Parameters: 24 Unknowns: 54 Degrees of Freedom: 40 Convergence Criteria: 1e-10(Sigma0) Iterations: 3 Sigma0: 0.21381032418035653131 Error Propagation Elapsed Time: 0.0004 (seconds) Total Elapsed Time: 0.0084 (seconds) IMAGE MEASURES SUMMARY ========================== M124362425L.cub 8 of 8 0.400 0.226 0.325 M124362425R.cub 8 of 8 0.400 0.223 0.324 M124369214L.cub 3 of 3 0.053 0.006 0.037 M124369214R.cub 2 of 2 0.052 0.005 0.037 IMAGE EXTERIOR ORIENTATION ========================== Image Full File Name: M124362425L.cub Image Serial Number: LRO/1/291415958:40871/NACL Image Initial Total Final Initial Final Parameter Value Correction Value Accuracy Accuracy X (t0) 1670.70797315 -0.00114575 1670.70682740 30.0 0.00506321 Y (t0) -10.42268903 0.00122983 -10.42145920 30.0 0.00239224 Z (t0) 617.55768174 0.00132612 617.55900786 30.0 0.00335186 RA (t0) 0.00000000 0.00167385 0.00167385 0.01 0.00194202 DEC (t0) 0.00000000 0.00140302 0.00140302 0.01 0.00194870 TWI (t0) 0.00000000 0.00000444 0.00000444 0.01 0.00213796 Image Full File Name: M124362425R.cub Image Serial Number: LRO/1/291415958:40871/NACR Image Initial Total Final Initial Final Parameter Value Correction Value Accuracy Accuracy X (t0) 1670.70797123 0.00116478 1670.70913601 30.0 0.00506670 Y (t0) -10.42269159 -0.00125151 -10.42394311 30.0 0.00239373 Z (t0) 617.55768698 -0.00134257 617.55634441 30.0 0.00334590 RA (t0) 0.00000000 -0.00167288 -0.00167288 0.01 0.00194183 DEC (t0) 0.00000000 -0.00142599 -0.00142599 0.01 0.00194859 TWI (t0) 0.00000000 0.00003510 0.00003510 0.01 0.00213794 Image Full File Name: M124369214L.cub Image Serial Number: LRO/1/291422747:42755/NACL Image Initial Total Final Initial Final Parameter Value Correction Value Accuracy Accuracy X (t0) 1670.61119221 -0.00014750 1670.61104471 30.0 0.00612588 Y (t0) -10.88245313 0.00021288 -10.88224025 30.0 0.00248258 Z (t0) 617.36213820 0.00044772 617.36258591 30.0 0.00307373 RA (t0) 0.00000000 0.00003177 0.00003177 0.01 0.00207186 DEC (t0) 0.00000000 -0.00000674 -0.00000674 0.01 0.00206539 TWI (t0) 0.00000000 -0.00000023 -0.00000023 0.01 0.00213802 Image Full File Name: M124369214R.cub Image Serial Number: LRO/1/291422747:42755/NACR Image Initial Total Final Initial Final Parameter Value Correction Value Accuracy Accuracy X (t0) 1670.61119270 0.00014710 1670.61133981 30.0 0.00612836 Y (t0) -10.88245246 -0.00021292 -10.88266538 30.0 0.00248254 Z (t0) 617.36213684 -0.00044824 617.36168860 30.0 0.00306928 RA (t0) 0.00000000 -0.00003180 -0.00003180 0.01 0.00207180 DEC (t0) 0.00000000 0.00000586 0.00000586 0.01 0.00206534 TWI (t0) 0.00000000 -0.00000093 -0.00000093 0.01 0.00213806 POINTS UNCERTAINTY SUMMARY ========================== RMS Sigma Latitude(m) 1.34750045 MIN Sigma Latitude(m) 1.10423438 at cp_05 MAX Sigma Latitude(m) 2.04479784 at APOL_00005 RMS Sigma Longitude(m) 1.37498962 MIN Sigma Longitude(m) 1.18698252 at cp_05 MAX Sigma Longitude(m) 1.94856744 at APOL_00005 RMS Sigma Radius(m) 1.68538687 MIN Sigma Radius(m) 1.67943620 at cp_05 MAX Sigma Radius(m) 1.70874946 at APOL_00004 POINTS SUMMARY ============== Sigma Sigma Sigma Label Status Rays RMS Latitude Longitude Radius Latitude Longitude Radius APOL_00001 FREE 2 of 2 0.55 19.99017993 30.92818477 1734.62909059 1.10901075 1.19203499 1.67943625 APOL_00002 FREE 2 of 2 0.55 20.17207422 30.92771858 1734.68109430 1.10877786 1.19109052 1.67949123 APOL_00003 FREE 2 of 2 0.30 20.28925227 30.93424096 1735.25545144 1.10717673 1.18923092 1.67954701 APOL_00004 FREE 2 of 2 0.04 19.89673567 30.61184541 1735.60624564 2.04223036 1.94613545 1.70874946 APOL_00005 FREE 2 of 2 0.04 20.04532172 30.61429300 1734.99941342 2.04479784 1.94856744 1.70872401 cp_01 FREE 2 of 2 0.16 19.71842176 30.93749616 1735.06474409 1.10811766 1.19090539 1.67959912 cp_02 FREE 2 of 2 0.26 19.84973177 30.93039825 1734.61085770 1.10920549 1.19177794 1.67955963 cp_03 FREE 2 of 2 0.14 20.43105563 30.94224505 1736.08649601 1.10532566 1.18793536 1.67946079 cp_04 FREE 2 of 2 0.17 20.65329513 30.94389117 1736.39792479 1.10507832 1.18700631 1.67945925 cp_05 FREE 2 of 2 0.12 20.55154024 30.94889813 1736.75118042 1.10423438 1.18698252 1.67943620 POINTS DETAIL ============= Label: APOL_00001 Status: FREE Rays: 2 of 2 Point Initial Total Total Final Initial Final Coordinate Value Correction Correction Value Accuracy Accuracy (dd/dd/km) (dd/dd/km) (Meters) (dd/dd/km) (Meters) (Meters) LATITUDE 19.99017994 -0.00000001 -0.00026126 19.99017993 15.00000000 1.10901075 LONGITUDE 30.92818531 -0.00000054 -0.01536976 30.92818477 15.00000000 1.19203499 RADIUS 1734.62913282 -0.00004223 -0.04222639 1734.62909059 8.00000000 1.67943625 Label: APOL_00002 Status: FREE Rays: 2 of 2 Point Initial Total Total Final Initial Final Coordinate Value Correction Correction Value Accuracy Accuracy (dd/dd/km) (dd/dd/km) (Meters) (dd/dd/km) (Meters) (Meters) LATITUDE 20.17207423 -0.00000001 -0.00029164 20.17207422 15.00000000 1.10877786 LONGITUDE 30.92771911 -0.00000054 -0.01524127 30.92771858 15.00000000 1.19109052 RADIUS 1734.68113658 -0.00004227 -0.04227330 1734.68109430 8.00000000 1.67949123 Label: APOL_00003 Status: FREE Rays: 2 of 2 Point Initial Total Total Final Initial Final Coordinate Value Correction Correction Value Accuracy Accuracy (dd/dd/km) (dd/dd/km) (Meters) (dd/dd/km) (Meters) (Meters) LATITUDE 20.28925224 0.00000003 0.00089970 20.28925227 15.00000000 1.10717673 LONGITUDE 30.93424052 0.00000044 0.01246351 30.93424096 15.00000000 1.18923092 RADIUS 1735.25542098 0.00003047 0.03046556 1735.25545144 8.00000000 1.67954701 Label: APOL_00004 Status: FREE Rays: 2 of 2 Point Initial Total Total Final Initial Final Coordinate Value Correction Correction Value Accuracy Accuracy (dd/dd/km) (dd/dd/km) (Meters) (dd/dd/km) (Meters) (Meters) LATITUDE 19.89673567 0.00000000 0.00004985 19.89673567 15.00000000 2.04223036 LONGITUDE 30.61184541 0.00000000 0.00002023 30.61184541 15.00000000 1.94613545 RADIUS 1735.60624497 0.00000067 0.00066927 1735.60624564 8.00000000 1.70874946 Label: APOL_00005 Status: FREE Rays: 2 of 2 Point Initial Total Total Final Initial Final Coordinate Value Correction Correction Value Accuracy Accuracy (dd/dd/km) (dd/dd/km) (Meters) (dd/dd/km) (Meters) (Meters) LATITUDE 20.04532172 0.00000000 0.00003246 20.04532172 15.00000000 2.04479784 LONGITUDE 30.61429300 0.00000000 0.00002079 30.61429300 15.00000000 1.94856744 RADIUS 1734.99941405 -0.00000063 -0.00062985 1734.99941342 8.00000000 1.70872401 Label: cp_01 Status: FREE Rays: 2 of 2 Point Initial Total Total Final Initial Final Coordinate Value Correction Correction Value Accuracy Accuracy (dd/dd/km) (dd/dd/km) (Meters) (dd/dd/km) (Meters) (Meters) LATITUDE 19.71842174 0.00000003 0.00076357 19.71842176 15.00000000 1.10811766 LONGITUDE 30.93749588 0.00000029 0.00815943 30.93749616 15.00000000 1.19090539 RADIUS 1735.06472400 0.00002010 0.02009791 1735.06474409 8.00000000 1.67959912 Label: cp_02 Status: FREE Rays: 2 of 2 Point Initial Total Total Final Initial Final Coordinate Value Correction Correction Value Accuracy Accuracy (dd/dd/km) (dd/dd/km) (Meters) (dd/dd/km) (Meters) (Meters) LATITUDE 19.84973175 0.00000002 0.00068314 19.84973177 15.00000000 1.10920549 LONGITUDE 30.93039803 0.00000022 0.00632459 30.93039825 15.00000000 1.19177794 RADIUS 1734.61084422 0.00001348 0.01347571 1734.61085770 8.00000000 1.67955963 Label: cp_03 Status: FREE Rays: 2 of 2 Point Initial Total Total Final Initial Final Coordinate Value Correction Correction Value Accuracy Accuracy (dd/dd/km) (dd/dd/km) (Meters) (dd/dd/km) (Meters) (Meters) LATITUDE 20.43105561 0.00000001 0.00045458 20.43105563 15.00000000 1.10532566 LONGITUDE 30.94224487 0.00000018 0.00512163 30.94224505 15.00000000 1.18793536 RADIUS 1736.08648463 0.00001139 0.01138684 1736.08649601 8.00000000 1.67946079 Label: cp_04 Status: FREE Rays: 2 of 2 Point Initial Total Total Final Initial Final Coordinate Value Correction Correction Value Accuracy Accuracy (dd/dd/km) (dd/dd/km) (Meters) (dd/dd/km) (Meters) (Meters) LATITUDE 20.65329513 0.00000000 0.00006067 20.65329513 15.00000000 1.10507832 LONGITUDE 30.94389118 -0.00000001 -0.00032115 30.94389117 15.00000000 1.18700631 RADIUS 1736.39792867 -0.00000388 -0.00388163 1736.39792479 8.00000000 1.67945925 Label: cp_05 Status: FREE Rays: 2 of 2 Point Initial Total Total Final Initial Final Coordinate Value Correction Correction Value Accuracy Accuracy (dd/dd/km) (dd/dd/km) (Meters) (dd/dd/km) (Meters) (Meters) LATITUDE 20.55154023 0.00000001 0.00027495 20.55154024 15.00000000 1.10423438 LONGITUDE 30.94889795 0.00000018 0.00511586 30.94889813 15.00000000 1.18698252 RADIUS 1736.75116836 0.00001207 0.01206557 1736.75118042 8.00000000 1.67943620