Global Photometric Sequence Shapefile Shapefile of LROC Photometric Sequences. Polygons were generated using GDAL and OGR tools from the LROC NAC DTM footprints used to map project images for the photometric sequences. Therefore, the footprints will not exactly match the footprints of all the images included in the photometric sequence. Attributes ----------- sitename - Human-readable sitename PDS_name - base PDS name derived from center latitude and longitude coordinates Image_num - Number of images includes in the photometric sequence DTM_NAME - Base name of the DTM used for registration and map projection Center_Lat - Center latitude in degrees Center_Lon - Center longitude in degrees (0 - 360) Min_Inc - Minimum incidence angle of the images in degrees Max_Inc - Maximum incidence angle of the images in degrees Min_Emiss - Minimum emission angle of the images in degrees Max_Emiss - Maximum emission angle of the images in degrees Min_Phase - Minimum phase angle of the images in degrees Max_Phase - Maximum phase angle of the images in degrees Start_Date - Start date of the first image taken in the photometric sequence End_Date - End date of the last image taken in the photometric sequence URL - URL for the photometric sequence on the LROC RDR website When citing this product, and for more information, use the following reference: Martin, A. C., Boyd, A. K., Robinson, M. S. & the LROC Team (2018). Controlling LROC NAC Photometric Images. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (Vol. 49, abstract #1621). This shapefiles contains the footprints of NAC Photometric Sequences release up through 2022-09-15.