LROC NAC STEREO OBSERVATIONS (60N to 90N) Shapefile of images targeted by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC) Narrow Angle Cameras (NAC) for geometric stereo between 60°N and 90°N. Images were targeted to provide appropriate lighting conditions and imaging geometry for extracting terrain. Images with large amounts of jitter have been removed from this dataset. For more information on the imaging criteria used for acquiring stereo images, refer to: Henriksen, M. R., Manheim, M. R., Burns, K. N., Seymour, P., Speyerer, E. J., Deran, A., Boyd, A. K., Howington-Kraus, E., Rosiek, M. R., Archinal, B. A., and Robinson, M. S. (2017). Extracting accurate and precise topography from LROC narrow angle camera stereo observations. Icarus, 283, 122-137. Polygon shapefiles are available in the IAU Moon 2000 North Polar Stereographic Coordinate System. Shapefile Field Descriptions: IMAGE_NAME: NAC name URL: Download URL for the EDR image VERSION_ID: PDS product version id ORBIT_NUM: The number of the orbit on which the image was acquired SLEW_ANGLE: The angle the spacecraft was slewed during image acquisition MISSION: Phase of the mission when the imagery was taken QUALITY_ID: The data quality id number; images with data quality ids greater than 8 are excluded, as they are missing information for mapping START_TIME: The start time of image acquisition EXP_TIME: The exposure duration for each line LINES: The number of lines in the image SAMPLES: The number of samples in the image PX_WIDTH: The width (m) of a pixel on the ground PX_HEIGHT: The height (m) of a pixel on the ground RESOLUTION: The average pixel scale on the ground EMISSN_ANG: Emission angle (degrees) INCID_ANG: Incidence angle (degrees) PHASE_ANG: Phase angle (degrees) SUBSOL_AZI: Sub-solar azimuth (degrees) SUBSOL_LAT: Sub-solar latitude SUBSOL_LON: Sub-solar longitude SUB_SC_LAT: Sub-spacecraft latitude SUB_SC_LON: Sub-spacecraft longitude CENTER_LAT: Latitude at the center of the image CENTER_LON: Longitude at the center of the image ALTITUDE: The altitude of the spacecraft ASCORDESC: Whether the spacecraft was in ascending (A) or descending (D) mode FLIGHT_DIR: Whether the spacecraft was flying +X or -X SUN_DIRECT: Whether the sun is to the east (e) or west (w) UL_LAT: Latitude of the upper left corner of the image UL_LON: Longitude of the upper left corner of the image UR_LAT: Latitude of the upper right corner of the image UR_LON: Longitude of the upper right corner of the image LR_LAT: Latitude of the lower right corner of the image LR_LON: Longitude of the lower right corner of the image LL_LAT: Latitude of the lower left corner of the image LL_LON: Longitude of the lower left corner of the image This shapefile contains the footprints of geostereo observations up through 2024-06-15.