WAC Fifth Extended Science Mission Observations (60°N to 90°N) Shapefile of Experimental Data Records (EDR) acquired by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC) Wide Angle Cameras (WAC) during the Fifth Extended Science mission phase (1 October 2022 - 1 October 2025) between 60°N to 90°N. Geometry is derived from image corner points and includes only observations of the Moon. Shapefile attributes correspond to the fields found in the cumulative index (CUMINDEX.LBL) found in the latest volume of the LROC EDR archive (https://lroc.sese.asu.edu/data/LRO-L-LROC-2-EDR-V1.0), plus one additional field with a link to the image. Because attributes correspond to the cumulative index, some attributes may not contain data. These are indicated in the shapefile field descriptions as "EMPTY." For more information, refer to the cumulative index label found in the INDEX directory for any of the EDR Volumes. This polygon shapefile is available in the IAU Moon 2000 North Pole Stereographic Projected Coordinate System. Shapefile Field Descriptions: PDS_VOLUME: PDS Volume ID PRODUCT_ID: EDR Product ID FILE_SPECI: File Specification with the full name of a file, including a path name relative to a PDS Volume. URL: Download URL for the EDR image. INST_HOST: Instrument Host ID (LRO) INSTRUMENT: Instrument ID (LROC) ORIG: Original Product ID. Filename of image as received from the LRO MOC. PROD_VERSN: Product Version Number TARGT_NAME: Target name (MOON) ORBIT_NUM: LRO orbit number when observation was acquired. SLEW_ANGLE: Angle of LRO off-nadir when observation was acquired in degrees. MISSION_PH: Mission phase at the time the image was acquired (FIFTH EXTENDED SCIENCE MISSION for this shapefile). RATIONALE: Rationale description. DATA_QUALI: 8-bit encoded data quality ID. See Section 3.3 of the LROC EDR/CDR SIS for more information. NAC_PREROL: NAC Pre-roll start time. UTC time when image command begins. EMPTY. START_TIME: UTC time when first image line of target is acquired. STOP_TIME: UTC time when last image line of target is acquired. SCLK_PART: Spacecraft clock partition NACROLLCNT: Spacecraft clock count when the first line of the observation's preroll (1024 lines) is acquired. EMPTY. SCLK_STCNT: Spacecraft clock count when first image line is acquired. SCLK_SPCNT: Spacecraft clock count when last image line is acquired. SCLK_STSEC: Spacecraft SCLK seconds value at the start of an observation. SCLK_STTCK: Spacecraft SCLK ticks value at the start of an observation. SCLK_SPSEC: Spacecraft SCLK seconds value at the end of an observation. SCLK_SPTCK: Spacecraft SCLK ticks value at the end of an observation. NACLINEXP: NAC line exposure duration in microseconds. Indicates the elapsed time during the acquisition of one line. EMPTY. WAC_EXP: WAC exposure duration in microseconds. The time elapsed during the acquisition of one frame of data for the WAC. NAC_FRM_ID: NAC Frame ID, which denotes Left or Right. EMPTY. NACDACREST: Commanded DAC reset level that coarsely sets the DN zero level for a NAC image. EMPTY. NAC_CHNL_A: Records the commanded NAC channel A offset that finely sets the DN zero level. EMPTY. NAC_CHNL_B: Records the commanded NAC channel B offset that finely sets the DN zero level. EMPTY. INSTMODECD: Commanded 8-bit integer value indicating which mode the NAC or WAC operates during image acquisition. WAC_MODEID: WAC Operating Mode ID. WACBANDCOD: Commanded 8-bit integer specifying which WAC bands to acquire. WACBKGDOFF: Commanded background offset for WAC observations. WAC_FILTER: Numerical designation of WAC optical filters in nanometers. WAC_NUMFRM: Number of frames in WAC. WACINFRTIM: WAC Interframe Time. WACINFRCOD: WAC Interframe Code. WACMODEPOL: WAC Mode Polar. COMPND_COD: Compand Select Code. Commanded value designating which companding table to utilize for observations. MODE_COMPR: Mode Compression. Command flag controlling if compression is enabled or disabled for an observation (0=NO, 1=YES). MODE_TEST: Mode Test. Commanded flag controlling if a TEST image is to be acquired (0=NO, 1=YES). NACTMPSCS: NAC Temperature SCS in degrees C. EMPTY. NACTMPFPA: NAC Temperature FPA (Focal Plane Array) in degrees C. EMPTY. NACTMPFPGA: NAC Temperature FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) in degrees C. EMPTY. NACTMPTEL: NAC Temperature Telescope in degrees C. EMPTY. WACBTMPSCS: WAC Beginning SCS Temperature. Temperature of LROC SCS at the beginning of a WAC observation in degrees C. WACMTMPSCS: WAC Middle SCS Temperature. Temperature of LROC SCS at the middle of a WAC observation in degrees C. WACETMPSCS: WAC Ending SCS Temperature. Temperature of LROC SCS at the end of a WAC observation in degrees C. WACBTMPFPA: WAC Beginning FPA Temperature. Temperature of WAC focal plane array at the beginning of a WAC observation in degrees C. WACMTMPFPA: WAC Middle FPA Temperature. Temperature of WAC focal plane array at the middle of a WAC observation in degrees C. WACETMPFPA: WAC Ending FPA Temperature. Temperature of WAC focal plane array at the end of a WAC observation in degrees C. IMAGE_LINE: Number of image lines. LINE_SAMPL: Number of samples per line. SAMPLE_BIT: Number of bits per pixel. SCALEPIXWD: Scaled Pixel Width. Cross-scan image resolution in m/px at center of the observation. SCALEPIXHT: Scaled Pixel Height. Down-scan image resolution in m/px at center of the observation. RESOLUTION: Calculated pixel resolution in m/px at the center of an observation. EMSSN_ANG: Emission Angle at the center of the observation in degrees. INC_ANGLE: Incidence Angle at the center of the observation in degrees. PHASE_ANGL: Phase Angle at the center of the observation in degrees. NORTH_AZIM: North Azimuth Angle in degrees. Angle clockwise from reference axis of the image (a line from the center to the right edge of the image) to the direction to the north pole of the target body in image space. SUBSOLAZIM: Sub-solar Azimuth. Angle in degrees clockwise from the reference axis of the image (line from center to right edge of image) to the direction of the subsolar point on target body in image space. SUBSOLLAT: Sub-solar Latitude in degrees. SUBSOLLON: Sub-solar Longitude in degrees. SUBSCFTLAT: Sub-spacecraft Latitude in degrees. SUBSCFTLON: Sub-spacecraft Longitude in degrees. SOLAR_DIST: Solar Distance. Distance from the center of the image on the target body to the center of the Sun in km. SOLAR_LONG: Solar Longitude. Angle between the body_Sun line at the time of interest and the body_Sun line at the vernal equinox in degrees. CENTER_LAT: Planetocentric Latitude at center of the observation in degrees. CENTER_LON: Planetocentric Longitude at the center of the observation in degrees. UPRGHT_LAT: Upper Right Latitude in degrees. UPRGHT_LON: Upper Right Longitude in degrees. LORGHT_LAT: Lower Right Latitude in degrees. LORGHT_LON: Lower Right Longitude in degrees. LOLEFT_LAT: Lower Left Latitude in degrees. LOLEFT_LON: Lower Left Longitude in degrees. UPLEFT_LAT: Upper Left Latitude in degrees. UPLEFT_LON: Upper Left Longitude in degrees. SCRAFT_ALT: Spacecraft Altitude. Distance from spacecraft to closest point on surface in km. TARGT_CNTR: Target Center Distance. Distance from spacecraft to target body center in km. NODE_CROSS: LRO Node Crossing. A for ascending node portion of the orbit; D for descending node portion of the orbit. FLIGHT_DIR: Flight Direction. LRO spacecraft X-axis relative to the velocity vector: +X (LRO positive X axis aligned with velocity vector) or -X (LRO negative X axis aligned with velocity vector).